Dog behaviour issues encompass a range of behaviours that may be problematic or undesirable for both the dog and its owner. Understanding the underlying causes of these behaviours is crucial for effective management and modification.
Dog obedience and dog behaviourial problems usually fall into one of the following scenarios:
Dog Aggression
Dog aggression can come in all breeds, shapes and sizes, there are many reasons why your dog may exhibit this aggression.
Dog Aggression – understanding and advice
My Dog Is Anxious/Dog Separation Related Problems
Separation Anxiety manifests itself in all sorts of guises, your dog’s behaviour may be triggered in a variety of ways.
My Dog Is Anxious/Dog Separation Related Problems
Dog General Nervousness
Dog anxieties can present themselves in a manner of ways involving domestic, social and household situations.
Dog General Nervousness – unlocking the puzzles
Dog Phobias
Phobias can be witnessed in all breeds and sizes of dogs, a dog phobia is a continuous, irrational fearful reaction to a situation or an object and can be an upsetting experience for any dog owner to witness.
Dog Phobias – seek the stimuli
Excitable Dog
A happy dog is what we want most, but excitability in a dog can become an excessive anti-social and embarrassing habit.
Excitable Dog – trainability
My Dog Chases
To a dog, hunting, chasing, running, nipping and herding are inherent dog behaviours, in some breeds the instincts are more focused and ingrained in their nature.
My Dog Chases – help is at hand
Why Is My Dog Roaming?
Dogs like to go exploring – ideally with their owner but if he or she is not at hand…. “Oh well off we go”!! The treatment here involves making the dog less independent.
Why Is My Dog Roaming?
Dog Trainer Exeter and Devon – Tricia Wills
For more information on behavioural issues and conditions Tricia has previously treated please see our Canine Case Studies page.