There’s no getting away from the fact that some dogs just have to wear a muzzle.
And muzzles scream……vicious dog…..keep away!!
This perception is sad because this simply isn’t always the case.
Yes, in some cases where you have an unpredictable dog out in public around other people, children and animals it might be the only alternative.
But you have a percentage of lovely dog owners out there that have to muzzle their dogs for other reasons, and these people report that people give them a ‘ wide birth’ because their dog is wearing a muzzle.
eg The dog that is drawn to eating rubbish out on a walk.
The re-homed Greyhound/ Lurcher that’s racing days are over, but still has that over active chasing habit embedded in them.
I recently did my own little research study on my doggie friends asking them …
‘if you had to stroke a dog wearing a Black muzzle or a Pink muzzle, which one would you choose’? Surprise surprise !!! Which colour came up tops ….pink of course.
Reasons being….they all said ‘ the dog wearing the pink muzzle looked less aggressive .
Maybe a thought for you doggie owners out there, that feel your dog is missing out on the pats and strokes on their daily jaunt ??! Go Pink!!