This month’s ‘Dog of the day’ recognition goes to Cecil the Sausage Dog (Dachshund)
Dog Blog
3 Amazing Dog Facts !!
Dogs noses are wet to help absorb scent chemicals.
Training Classes!!
I’m very excited to announce that training classes have re-started!
Helping with dogs and their lockdown issues
Free service to any dog owners wanting help/ advice with any issues they might be struggling with at the moment.
Pups in Lockdown!
Birdie is our new puppy. She is a 9 week old Lurcher.
As dog walking restrictions have tightened down to safe guard the public in these worrying times.
Here are some simple outdoor games to play with your dog.
Walk My Dog!!
Occasionally I meet up with dog owners who for various reasons…no longer walk their dog.
The Kennel Club
The largest organisation dedicated to protecting and promoting the health and welfare of dogs
Howling Dogs
Owners often report of destructive, unwanted toileting, or howling and barking.
Dog/Puppy Eating Poo!!
This is behaviour that often repulses us as dog owners, but actually poses very minimal health risks to ourselves.
Tis the season to eat mince pies!!
Of course we all know that chocolate, alcohol, grapes, mouldy foods, certain nuts etc etc can be poisonous to our dogs.
Devoted Doggies mirror our emotions!!
Studies have just shown that our dogs can actually mirror our emotions.
We already know that they can make us feel better, when we are feeling down or low, by letting us release oxytocins from the brain.
Dog training sessions – should I attend this ?
Should I attend dog training sessions? There seems to be confusion out there in the doggie world! The short answer is YES!
Well, Well, I Never Knew That!
The expression the hair of the dog, for an alcoholic drink taken to cure a hangover, is a shortening of ‘a hair of the dog that bit you’.
Onwards And Upwards
As a child I was animal mad!! Always trying to rescue something, or fix a poorly animal, in some shape or form.