Nowadays, lots of dog owners are convinced that their pooches really enjoy listening to music, and they have made use of gentle relaxing sounds to help their dogs remain calm when they are at home alone.
Dog Blog
Puppy Talk
As a Canine Behaviourist/ Trainer a lot of my work does involve what I call the more “full on” type of problem behaviour work….aggression, fears/ phobias etc.
The Midnight Walkers And Early Morning Avoiders!!
Train your dogs so you can walk them whenever it suits you!
Would you know what to do??
What to do if an adder bites your dog
May… It’s hotting up!!
Warm weather tips
Attractive Single Female (Chocolate Labrador) Owner
Attractive Single Female(Chocolate Labrador) owner seeking long term relationship with handsome like minded male!
Attractive Single Female (Chocolate Labrador) OwnerRead More
The arrival of the new baby
From time to time I get phone calls from new expectant mums and dads wanting advice on how to introduce the dog to the new baby.
When Is Too Soon?
I often hear friends and clients talk of the sad loss of having recently lost their beloved dog and more often than not the sentence that follows is….” But we will wait a few months before we get another”.
It’s Only A Guideline
We are frequently being told by our veterinary surgeons to watch our dogs weight….and rightly so, as an obese dog can lead on to diabetes , heart disease and much more.
Part Of The Pack
If you are the owner of more than one dog, have you ever wondered when out walking with your dogs, why they will always want to play, interact and run around at brake neck speed…..right under your feet?
Blue Tomato and Doggie Menus!
Well…I think I’ve seen it all now!! If it wasn’t enough to see a dog with the full range of outfits for every occasion.
Very Dog Friendly
As a lot of you already know, whenever possible ..we like to take our dog (Fly) on holiday with us as we regularly take him camping with us to Cornwall.
Dangerous Dogs, Getting To The Root Of The Problem
Children are still being mauled by dogs; assistance dogs are being attacked by out of control aggressive dogs.
Summer Is Coming
What a relief to see the first swallow this morning out on my walk with the dogs, does this mean summer time is finally here?
The Black Dog Syndrome
Time and time again l hear it from clients…. Oh yes my dog gets on well with all dogs….well except black dogs!!