In my weekly training classes I always try and get a rough idea of my clients life style, where they might walk their dog and how they might expect their dog to behave etc.
By achieving this, I can then ‘taylor make ‘ the training class and teach them some commands that might be useful later on in life in living with their dog.
Of course I like all dogs…….you couldn’t be in this job if you didn’t . But, I especially like ‘ well behaved’ ones. Well mannered dogs, that are a pleasure to own and take out and about where ever you might be going. Most of the time this is achieved by training.
Training teaches your dog rules and boundaries …..and manners, and they love you more for this.
In 30 years of working with dogs, if I was to be perfectly honest I have only managed to meet a handful of dogs that are just absolutely ‘perfect’. This hasn’t come about through any training…..they were just born that way…..clearly very good genes though!!
I will add that I know plenty of lovely dogs as well!!! But I’m talking the ‘perfect’ dog here.
It did put a smile on my face recently when a new client came along to my training classes, to tell me that they wanted their new puppy to be exactly like Molly.
Who’s Molly you might be thinking?? Well, Molly is one of those ‘perfect’ dogs that you only see once in a life time. Unfortunately she is no longer with us. I used to look after her now and again, and so did this new client. So we both knew Molly very well.
Not wanting to shatter anyone’s dreams, I had to point out that you only get out of life, what you put in!! And we could have a good go in trying to turn this Labrador into a Springer Spaniel!!! But really this isn’t as simple as going to the hairdressers and saying “I want the same as that person that just left the salon”. This is all about working with what you have and sticking at it. Might take 6 weeks…..might take 2 years.
We will have to have lots of patience and do plenty of hard work.
How long did it take to build Rome anyway.??