I often hear friends and clients talk of the sad loss of having recently lost their beloved dog and more often than not the sentence that follows is….” But we will wait a few months before we get another”.
A few months to some avid dog lovers can be a life time as their dog will have not only been a huge family member, best friend, companion and the main reason for getting daily exercise.
Of course this is a very personal thing and everyone reacts very differently in bereavement, some people never get over the death of a dog (my parents).
Others feel it would be too disrespectful to replace their dear dog so soon, while others need to keep themselves busy and get a new puppy as soon as possible.
Another statement that frequently arises is ” but I wouldn’t be able to interact with a new puppy/ dog at the moment because of the sadness of losing my old dog” or ” l would not be able to give it the time it needs”
Ok yes…new puppies/ dogs can be a little time consuming and demanding in those early months with the endless feeds and visits to the garden!
But believe it or not…they do not need encasing in love (which is going to be the hardest energy for you to give at this particular time).
And your unknowing slight aloofness will actually make your relationship with your new dog stronger as he/ she will look upon you as more of a leader to him/ her, making a very good life time relationship between the two of you in the long run.
There can be a huge hole left in your day when you loose your dog , especially if you were a dog owner who walked maybe twice a day all year round, a new dog can never replace the special relationship you had with your old dog, but the distraction of a new dog can ease the loss.